State Freedom Caucus Foundation
A 501(c)3 Organization providing essential training
State Freedom Caucus NETWORK
A 501(c)4 Organization supporting caucus members.
The biggest attack on financial freedom that our country has ever seen may soon be happening in your own backyard. If you’ve never heard of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), it is when all money is centralized in the federal government. Your bank account would be directly controlled by the Federal Reserve as opposed to a private bank like Wells Fargo or Bank of America.
If that sounds dystopian to you, that’s because it is.
And if you think your Republican state legislature will protect you from it, you are also sadly mistaken. Bills that would change the definition of money to only currencies recognized by the government were recently considered in Arizona and South Dakota. The Arizona Freedom Caucus killed it in committee and the South Dakota Freedom Caucus successfully pressured Gov. Kristi Norm to veto it after it sailed through the state’s RINO-polluted state legislature.
This fight over financial freedom is coming to all 50 states and Freedom Caucuses will lead the charge to protect your rights. Pay close attention to the politicians who don’t.
The Treasure State is once such place where a CBDC bill is being considered. In a state Donald Trump won by 17 points in the 2020 election, lawmakers are pushing to sign away your financial privacy rights with SB 370, which recently passed the Senate on a 32-18 vote and is now being considered in the House.
The Montana Freedom Caucus came out strongly against the bill and will fight every single day until it gets put into the trash can. Unlike most Republican politicians, the MT Freedom Caucus actually wants to protect the rights of the voters who elected them.
—%20Montana%20Freedom%20Caucus%20(@MTFreedomCaucus)%20March/likes’ class=”likes”>
—%20Steven%20Utroska%20(@StevenUtroska)%20March/likes’ class=”likes”>6Likes@AZGOP @AZFreedomCaucus @AZSenateGOP
— Anthony Kern (@anthonykernAZ) March”,”full_text”:”Sunday headline s/b “Common-sense Legislators push back on Hobbs agenda that sexualizes our children, promotes men can get pregnant, and turns Arizona into California” @AZGOP @AZFreedomCaucus @AZSenateGOP “,”username”:”anthonykernAZ”,”name”:”Anthony Kern”,”date”:”Sun Mar 26 21:50:27 +0000 2023″,”photos”:[{“img_url”:””,”link_url”:””,”alt_text”:null},{“img_url”:””,”link_url”:””,”alt_text”:null}],”quoted_tweet”:{},”retweet_count”:55,”like_count”:169,”expanded_url”:{},”video_url”:null,”belowTheFold”:true}’>
Democrats do not sugarcoat the fact that they despise the First Amendment. That became clear on the Pennsylvania House floor this week when a Democrat State Rep. called on the University of Pittsburgh to stop conservatives Michael Knowles, Cabot Phillips, and swimmer Riley Gaines from speaking on campus.
Luckily, the PA Freedom Caucus was already weeks ahead with pushing for legislation that would protect free speech on college campuses.
—%20Pennsylvania%20Freedom%20Caucus%20(@PAFreedomCaucus)%20March/likes’ class=”likes”>59LikesDONATE
Read the latest updates from the State Freedom Caucus Network.
The PA Freedom Caucus fought the “Education Establishment” at all levels this past week - both at the K-12 level and in higher education.First, at the K-12 level. Democrat Josh Shapiro was just elected governor of the Keystone State last year and he obviously has...
Friends, We all remember the tyranny that was forced upon us during the Covid-19 pandemic. State governors, both Democrat and Republican, shut down our businesses, closed our schools, and punished all who didn’t comply. The reason most governors were able to do this...
Friends, We’re months away from the 2024 election but the Establishment is already gearing up to come after Freedom Caucus members nationwide. In South Carolina, Freedom Caucus member Rep. April Cromer, who upset a 10-term swampy incumbent in the 2022 Republican...
Friends, Your must-watch video of the week came out of South Carolina, where the legislature finally passed the Heartbeat Bill. A previous version of the legislation was blocked by the state Supreme Court, but with the court’s new conservative majority, the state will...
Friends, You’ve heard about it in the news. The Biden Administration recently attempted to implement a truly absurd rule that would increase fees on responsible homeowners to subsidize those with bad credit. As if hardworking families haven’t suffered enough in Joe...
Friends, Often times in our emails we talk about the bad news happening in the states. We focus on the terrible job RINOs are doing in charge of your state capitals. But today we have good news: More and more conservatives in red states are waking up to the fact that...
Friends,It was a wild week for Freedom Caucuses all over America. From Montana to Illinois, our brave legislators made national headlines taking on some of the most destructive political forces in America. They delivered wins for you - our supporters - without whom...
The PA Freedom Caucus fought the “Education Establishment” at all levels this past week - both at the K-12 level and in higher education.First, at the K-12 level. Democrat Josh Shapiro was just elected governor of the Keystone State last year and he obviously has...
Friends, Last week, The Daily Wire published a series of stories about our work. You can read them here, here and here. “What the State Freedom Caucus Network does is take these part-time lawmakers and give them staff and a full year-round operation,” SFCN President...
Why is Florida the only state that is governing in a conservative way? Why are fake Republicans in charge of Wyoming, the most conservative state in the country? I answer these questions and more on Liz Wheeler's podcast this week. You can listen to it on whatever app...
Friends, Former House Speaker John Boehner once famously compared his Republican opponents to “political terrorists.” In January, when House Freedom Caucus members held up Kevin McCarthy’s vote to become Speaker, Rep. Dan Crenshaw went on Fox Radio and said, “we...