• June 27, 2023
Illinois Freedom Caucus Stands Up For Life


Illinois is a state that is as blue as it gets. Democrats control the governor’s mansion, as well as both houses of the legislature. The levers of power for conservatives in the state are very small but, nevertheless, we have an IL Freedom Caucus in the legislature and they never stop fighting even when outnumbered.

At the beginning of this year’s session, the ILFC successfully petitioned House leadership to end their consent calendar, which allows them to pass hundreds of bills with a single roll call vote. This will ensure that every piece of legislation has a debate and a vote.

This week, the caucus also took the lead in standing up for the unborn in Illinois.


Abortion fanatics in Illinois are trying to build a new abortion clinic in the town of Danville, an overwhelmingly pro-life area of the state. The citizens don’t want this but radical Democrats running the state want to force baby killing on them and turn Illinois into the abortion capital of the midwest.

In response, the ILFC held a press conference outside the proposed area for the clinic to stand up for unborn babies and pro-lifers in Illinois.

You can watch some of those highlights here:

#twill pic.twitter.com/SvH8X0W1dI

— Illinois Freedom Caucus 🇺🇸 (@ILFreedomCaucus) March”,”full_text”:”Radical Democrats have turned Illinois into the baby killing Capitol of the midwest.nnThey are more focused on forcing abortion facilities on towns that don’t want them instead of fixing our state’s doctor shortage.nnThe Illinois Freedom Caucus will always stand for life.n#twill “,”username”:”ILFreedomCaucus”,”name”:”Illinois Freedom Caucus 🇺🇸”,”date”:”Tue Mar 28 20:55:29 +0000 2023″,”photos”:[{“img_url”:”https://substackcdn.com/image/upload/w_1028,c_limit,q_auto:best/l_twitter_play_button_rvaygk,w_88/i36coqkudh6deosh7fkn”,”link_url”:”https://t.co/SvH8X0W1dI”,”alt_text”:null}],”quoted_tweet”:{},”retweet_count”:25,”like_count”:74,”expanded_url”:{},”video_url”:”https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1640819819413905409/pu/vid/478×270/MqQ1EQLAykIpoK3o.mp4?tag=12″,”belowTheFold”:false}”>


Conservatives in Georgia had several wins this week that it’s hard to keep track of them all. Here is just a short list of achievements in the Georgia legislature that were championed by the GAFC:

  • KILLED HB520 that would have massively grown bureaucracy to take care of every basic need of those with persistent mental health issues. It was a boondoggle to Georgia’s taxpayers and the wrong way to go about taking care of mental health.

  • PASSED SB1 that bans state and local governments from discriminating based on COVID vaccine status.

  • PASSED SB140 that bans minors from going through dangerous and life altering sex changes.

  • PASSED SB204 that prevents accrediting agencies from requiring DEI and CRT programs from being requirements for schools to be accredited.

  • PASSED HB222 that makes Zuckerbucks illegal.

  • KILLED HB200 that would have brought Ranked Choice Voting to Georgia.


It was a very busy week in the Idaho legislature as two landmark bills championed by the IDFC to protect the Gem State’s children successfully passed the legislature. One banned sex reassignment surgeries for minors and the other prohibited pornographic books from being put in school libraries.

Despite the major wins in Idaho, the state legislature remains infested with RINO pollution. As our Idaho State Director Maria Nate told an Idaho newspaper “We’re all fighting the same battles. The federal government is not where the problem is … the federal government is a mess. The only way we can reclaim the federal government is for the states to reclaim their sovereignty.”


Speaking of bills to protect, the Montana legislature this week also passed legislation that was championed by the MTFC to ban minors from going through dangerous sex changes.

Thanks to our Freedom Caucuses, the left’s sick agenda to confuse children about their gender and convince them to go through life-altering medical procedures at a young age is being taken down one state at a time.


To round out the week, check out this op-ed written by SCFC member Rep. Joe White, where he describes how the establishment Republicans in South Carolina have plotted to destroy the SC Freedom Caucus. Key excerpt:

As the establishment elite squanders our money, as they pass laws, regulations, and rules to “fundamentally transform” our nation, and our state, we need to be aware that what they are asking you and me to do is bow to them and “kiss their rings of power.”


Keep fighting,
Andy Roth
State Freedom Caucus Network

 P.S. Your help is critical in building out a network of patriots and freedom fighters throughout our nation’s state capitols and in your home state. Please consider a contribution and join us as we work to advance the cause of liberty.

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March 2025 Edition




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