• June 27, 2023
“Jihad” Against Montana Freedom Caucus


Former House Speaker John Boehner once famously compared his Republican opponents to “political terrorists.” In January, when House Freedom Caucus members held up Kevin McCarthy’s vote to become Speaker, Rep. Dan Crenshaw went on Fox Radio and said, “we cannot let the terrorists wins.”

This is how RINOs respond when members of their own party stand up and demand they actually govern as conservatives. They have nothing to say on the issues so they resort to comparing conservatives to terrorists. Certainly an effective way to govern!

Believe it or not, it happened to our state freedom caucuses twice this week.


One of the biggest villains to the Montana Freedom Caucus has not been anyone in the legislature, but the state Supreme Court legislating from the bench. Specifically, the court has prevented the legislature from passing laws to protect unborn life, and claiming the state Constitution guarantees a right to an abortion when no such word exists in the document.

In response, the MT Freedom Caucus has proposed several amendments to the state Constitution to hold the court accountable, such as reducing its size, making Supreme Court elections partisan, and giving the governor power to fill vacancies.

This did not sit well with former Montana Supreme Court Justice James Nelson, who called for a “jihad” against the MT Freedom Caucus and said that it would be a “fight to the death” to stop them from passing the amendments.

Twitter avatar for @greg_price11

Greg Price @greg_price11
Former Montana Supreme Court Justice James Nelson just called for a “jihad” against the @MTFreedomCaucus because they are currently pushing several constitutional amendments in the legislature to hold the court accountable for legislating from the bench.





The South Carolina legislature spent the week negotiating their budget for the next fiscal year. The SC Freedom Caucus offered a bold conservative vision that cut government spending, reformed the pension system, and defunded DEI and ESG programs in the state.

Ultimately, the supermajority “Republican” House, along with Democrats, shot down most of the SC Freedom Caucus’s amendments. In the end, the SC Freedom Caucus voted against the woke, bloated budget – it was the largest number of people to vote against the budget in 50 years.

It wasn’t all bad though, as they were able to get an amendment into the budget that prohibited schools from incentivizing students to take the COVID vaccine. And Republican leadership agreed to hold a vote later this year on defunding DEI at South Carolina’s universities.

And like our friend on the Montana Supreme Court, a RINO state senator called the SC Freedom Caucus’s common sense proposals “Taliban-ish.”

Twitter avatar for @SenTomDavisSC

Tom Davis @SenTomDavisSC
I detest the Taliban-ish “legislation”pushed by the @SCFreedomCaucus, but there’s a silver lining: the poisonous populist strain that’s infected the GOP at all levels of government has been thrown into stark relief, making clear what needs to be excised.





Idaho Republicans went all in on amnesty this week. In a state with just eighteen elected Democrats in the state legislature, a Memorial (aka resolution) was passed this week despite opposition from the ID Freedom Caucus. The memorial calls on the Biden Administration to flood the United States’ labor market with more foreign workers, as well as give green cards to millions of illegal aliens holding American jobs.

Twitter avatar for @freedomcaucusID

Idaho Freedom Caucus @freedomcaucusID
Memorial SJM101 is supporting amnesty during a time of crisis. The ID Freedom Caucus stands firmly in opposition to this attack on our national sovereignty & urges our leaders to prioritize strong border security measures & reject any attempts at amnesty. #idpol #idleg



As an historic crisis continues to rage on our southern border, this is what your red state leadership is focused on. Thankfully, the Idaho Freedom Caucus will continue to put their citizens before special interests.


The Arizona Freedom Caucus stood up against Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) this week, introducing legislation that would ban it in the state. RCV is one of the biggest scams being pushed by the Left today to take over our elections. It overcomplicates the election process, taking power away from the voters and giving it to political consultants.

RCV is what allowed RINO Senator Lisa Murkowski to win re-election in Alaska last year despite being censured by the state Republican Party.

The AZ Freedom Caucus is ensuring that it will never come to Arizona.

Twitter avatar for @azaustinsmith

AZ State Rep. Austin Smith @azaustinsmith

Standing with my fellow Republican lawmakers opposed to the scam known as Ranked Choice Voting.

RCV does the exact opposite of what the proponents say. As long we’re in the legislature, we will fight for the American principle – One Vote, One Person.





Wrapping up the week with some good news: Life has won in Wyoming.

Two bills this week that were championed by the WY Freedom Caucus in the legislature to protect life from conception and ban the selling of abortion pills in the state become law.

Twitter avatar for @WYFreedomCaucus

Wyoming Freedom Caucus @WYFreedomCaucus
The WYFC, along with the majority of Wyomingites who believe in the sanctity of life, is celebrating today. In signing SF0109 and in allowing HB0152 to take effect without his signature, Gov. Gordon has completed a crucial step toward making WY a sanctuary for life.



Keep fighting,

Andy Roth
State Freedom Caucus Network

P.S. Your help is critical in building out a network of patriots and freedom fighters throughout our nation’s state capitols and in your home state. Please consider a contribution and join us as we work to advance the cause of liberty.

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